Analyst Coverage


Company Analyst Recommendation Target price (R$) Target Price Last Revision
Genial Investimentos Ygor Bastos de Araujo Buy 20.00 03/18/2024
Santander Lucas Esteves
+55 11 3553-5530
Buy 19.00 01/08/2024
Bradesco BBI Victor Mizusaki
+55 11 3847-9291
Buy 15.00 02/06/2025
BTG Pactual Lucas Marquiori
+55 11 3383 9119
Buy 18.00 06/28/2024
Eleven Research Malek Zein Buy 16.00  08/21/2024
Levante Corp Chrystian Matias
+55 11 98187-5192
Buy 16.00 05/09/2024
Banco Safra Luiz Pecanha Filho
+55 11 3175-4284
Buy 10.20 01/27/2025
EQI Pedro Pimenta Buy 14.00 10/06/2023
XP Investimentos Pedro Bruno
Buy 14.00 08/31/2023
Citi André Mazini Buy 14.00 07/12/2023
J.P.Morgan Guilherme Mendes
+55 11 4950-4105
Buy 13.50 01/10/2024
Itaú BBA Daniel Gasparete
+551 1 91434 5888
Buy 12.00 06/26/2024

JSL is covered by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding JSL performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Company or its management. JSL does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. The Company does not warrant that the above list of analysts is complete nor updated, and the information herein provided are subject to the authorization of the analysts.